Logo address


/lib/namespace.httpd は httpd の名前空間の基礎を与えます。
ここで編成した名前空間は、/usr/web/doc/usr/web/etc を除いて、実ホスト、仮想ホストおよびユーザの名前空間に引き継がれます。

以下に /lib/namespace.httpd の標準的な設定を載せて置きます。

#       At this stage, namespace is already configured using /lib/namespace
#       We can add something to it.

#       Here /usr/web is our webbase
#       and `alice' in the commants stands for any user

#       In case that `/~alice' is requested,
#               bind /usr/alice/web /usr/web/mnt
#       is internally executed at the beginning.

#       configure our basic namespace

bind -a /usr/web/bin/$cputype /bin
bind -a /usr/web/bin/rc /bin

bind /sys/log/http /usr/web/sys/log/http
bind    /sys/lib /usr/web/sys/lib
bind /sys/man   /usr/web/sys/man
bind  /lib /usr/web/lib
bind /bin /usr/web/bin
bind /rc/lib /usr/web/rc/lib
bind -c #e /usr/web/env
bind #c /usr/web/dev
bind /proc /usr/web/proc

#       In case of  `~' ,
#       /usr/web/mnt is internally added to /usr/web

#       Let /usr/web be our webbase then
#       httpd internally execute the followings:
#               bind /usr/web /
#               cd /
#       to cut off everything not mounted below /usr/web