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Name space configuration file "/lib/namespace.httpd" gives basic name space of httpd. The name space configured here is inherited to the name spaces of real host, virtual hosts and regular users.

The following is standard content of /lib/namespace.httpd.

#       At this stage, namespace is already configured using /lib/namespace
#       We can add something to it.

#       Here /usr/web is our webbase
#       and `alice' in the commants stands for any user

#       In case that `/~alice' is requested,
#               bind /usr/alice/web /usr/web/mnt
#       is internally executed at the beginning.

#       configure our basic namespace

bind -a /usr/web/bin/$cputype /bin
bind -a /usr/web/bin/rc /bin

bind /sys/lib /usr/web/sys/lib
bind /lib /usr/web/lib
bind /bin /usr/web/bin
bind /rc/lib /usr/web/rc/lib
bind -c #e /usr/web/env
bind #c /usr/web/dev
bind /proc /usr/web/proc

#       In case of  `~' ,
#       /usr/web/mnt is internally added to /usr/web

#       Let /usr/web be our webbase then
#       httpd internally execute the followings:
#               bind /usr/web /
#               cd /
#       to cut off everything not mounted below /usr/web