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Basic Installation of Pegasus


2007/09/05 update
2007/04/04 update
2006/08/24 renew
2003/01/11 update

Here I will explain how to install Pegasus with policies:

Installing httpd and mon

  1. get Pegasus 2.4.
  2. unpack
    term% gunzip pegasus-2.4.tgz
    term% tar -xf pegasus-2.4.tar
    then a directory "pegasus-2.4" will be created in the directory in which you executed "tar". Let this directory be "$pegasus" in the explanation below.
  3. compile
    term% cd $pegasus/httpd
    term% mk lib
    term% mk
  4. install
    The default installation place is:
    Create the directory and execute:
    term% mk install
In the same way, you can install "mon".
	term% cd $pegasus/mon
	term% mk install

Creating user "web"

Add a user "web" to "/adm/users":
where "bob" is your account name. You must execute
	echo users -r /active/adm/users >> /srv/fscons
to reflect the change to fossil.

You need not give password for user "web".

Creating /usr/web

The directory "/usr/web" is a default base directory on which Pegasus configures namespace.( You can use other directory. Look "/sys/lib/httpd.conf".)
	term% mkdir /usr/web
	term% chmod 775 /usr/web
Don't let owner of "/usr/web/" be "web".

Create directories under "/usr/web/". The goal is like the followings*.

d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/bin/386
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/bin/rc
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/dev
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/env
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/etc
d-rwxrwx--- bob web      ..... /usr/web/etc/nonce
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/lib
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/mnt
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/proc
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/rc/lib
d-rwxrwxr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/sys/lib
d-rwxr-xr-x bob bob      ..... /usr/web/tmp
where "bob" is your account name. Take notice of the permission bits and the group of "/usr/web/etc/nonce/".

You have the replica under "$pegasus/example/usr/web/". Therefore you may copy the replica to "/usr/web". The copy is easy if you use my tool "cpdir". You can get "cpdir" from http://plan9.aichi-u.ac.jp/netlib/cmd/.

	term% cpdir -mv $pegasus/example/usr/web /usr/web
and then
	term% chmod 770 /usr/web/etc/nonce
	term% chgrp web /usr/web/etc/nonce

Ntoe that:

Some system files

Pegasus uses some files in system directories. The templates are in "$pegasus/sample". Copy them to the appropriate place:
	term% cd $pegasus/sample
	term% cp sys/lib/httpd.conf /sys/lib/httpd.conf
	term% cp sys/lib/httpd.rewrite /sys/lib/httpd.rewrite
	term% cp lib/namespace.httpd /lib/namespace.httpd
Note that you have already "/sys/lib/httpd.rewrite" and "/lib/namespace.httpd" of official httpd. It is wise to make a backup of these files.


Take a look at "/sys/lib/httpd.conf". You need not change the default values in this file. The tuning is after you have monitored the performance of the server.


Take a look at "/lib/namespace.httpd". The contents will be
bind -a /usr/web/bin/$cputype /bin
bind -a /usr/web/bin/rc /bin
bind /sys/lib /usr/web/sys/lib
bind /lib /usr/web/lib
bind /bin /usr/web/bin
bind /rc/lib /usr/web/rc/lib
bind -c #e /usr/web/env
bind #c /usr/web/dev
bind /proc /usr/web/proc
Not all will be required. And note that the line:
	bind /sys/lib /usr/web/sys/lib
will make all files under "/sys/lib" accessible via CGI. Especially you should note that some secret files such as "/sys/lib/ssh" and "/sys/lib/tls" might be there.

CGI environment configured in "/lib/namespace.httpd" will be inherited to real host, virtual hosts, and regular users. Therefore you should be careful enough.

Although the content is configured for CGI and the content might be too much for regular CGI service, I think the configuration is harmless.


Suppose you are bob who administrates real host documents, and you want to locate documents under "/usr/bob/www/doc". Then the following single line is enough for most cases.
/	*/usr/bob/www
If you do want to configure more complicated hosting service, look "/sys/lib/httpd.rewrite".

The directory where web content is really placed

Web content of real or virtual host is placed under your home directory. If you are "bob" and configured your httpd root at "/usr/bob/www/", then
is the directory.

Put a file "index.html" to this directory. You will find the sample in "$pegasus/sample/usr/bob/www/doc/index.html".

Log files

Before invoking Pegasus, create log files.
	term% cd /sys/log
	term% touch http blacklist
	term% chmod 666 http blacklist
	term% chmod +a http blacklist
You might fail to create log files. Appropriate privilege will be required.
If you feel inconvenience to become user "sys", try my tool "su" that works like UNIX "su" command.

Run Pegasus using "mon"

	term% b=/usr/local/bin/$cputype
	term% $b/mon -du web $b/httpd -suM
and confirm by "ps" command that "mon" and "httpd" is really running.
The process owner should be "bob" and "web" respectively.

Confirm Pegasus does service

Try to access using a browser and take a look at "/sys/log/http".


You might find "pegasus-2.4a", "pegasus-2.4b", ... in
Those are bug fix versions to Pegasus 2.4.
Only updated components for ver.2.4 are there.