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Plan 9 Port

	From: 	  russcox@gmail.com
	Subject: 	[9fans] plan9port update - venti and backups
	Date: 	2005年7月19日 8:35:16:JST
	To: 	  9fans@cse.psu.edu
	Reply-To: 	  russcox@gmail.com, 9fans@cse.psu.edu

I worked through a few months of Plan 9 from User Space
changes over the last week.  Many new things in CVS and
also in the web tarball.

The main new thing is a revised venti(8) server which should
be significantly faster than the Plan 9 one.  Eventually
this code will become the venti(8) server for Plan 9 itself.
Also included is a new venti application, vbackup(8), which
stores disk image-based backups to a venti server and
presents them via a loopback NFS server.  Like everything
else in plan9port, venti and vbackup have been tested
mainly on Linux and FreeBSD.

Unlike on Plan 9, venti is fully documented with a suite of
man pages describing not only the server but the system
in general, the protocol, and the library.

The tree should compile cleanly on Mac OS X 10.4 now.
Hopefully I haven't broken support for earlier OS X versions.

Running on SunOS is a continuing challenge.  Maybe it's
a little easier now.  Feel free to send me patches to make
life better for SunOS users (they deserve it, the poor things!)
or for other architectures.

Various other things have been tweaked or stirred around.
See the CHANGES file for details.

